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February 19, 2025

Rain date 20, 2025

Greenfields and Chateau Log Farm

1060 Curb Chain Lane, Windsor, SC


This is going to be a “FUN” yet educational practice for CD and PD in a different format

yet loosely following ADS rules. This is a fund raiser for the Windsor Trace CDE in the Fall.


Space is limited to 35.


Opening Date: January 1, 2025

Closing Date: February 3, 2025

Dressage Judge: TBA


Divisions: Combined Driving ( CD)----Training, Preliminary and Intermediate. Loosely following ADS Rules

Pleasure Driving (PD)—Training, Preliminary and intermediate. Loosely following ADS Rules. No Obstacles


Format: CD and PD: Every turnout will do dressage. As soon as you exit the dressage ring, within approximately

2 or more minutes on a scheduled time, you will continue on a Cross Country Trail to the end - about 3-4K. Your overall Time will be scored. On the trail you will be doing 4 ZONES consisting of cones of interesting elements with a trot distance between the zones and 3-4 obstacles for the Combined Driving entries only. There will be a bridge and a box. There will be 20 plus cones and elements that will be judged by observers placed in and about the ZONES. If you get eliminated there won't be a whistle –you just continue on to the end. Cones will be set at a Standardize setting. CD drivers will be doing 3-4 obstacles included in the ZONE as per ADS rules and timed. PD drivers do not do the obstacles!! CD and PD will be given a minimum and maximum time to complete the Cross Country Trail according to your level and division with similar speeds. You will be given an approximate time to be at Way Points, so you can check how you are motoring along. This is aTROT section as in Section B of a CDE marathon.

Twice around: - Drivers/navigators or any equipment sharing (ie. carriages) are allowed a maximum of 2 times

on course not in the same division “as long as scheduling permits”. Competitors must say on their entry form

what they are sharing and with whom they are sharing to be accommodated in the schedule. There will be no

changes after closing date.


Class: Singles, Pairs, Multiples, Ponies, Horses, VSE


Organizer/Secretary: Lisa Singer 1070 Curb Chain Lane, Windsor SC 610-960-8695


Cost : $80, Refund policy: No refund after closing date unless there is a veterinarian or doctor’s note.

Checks made out to "Winsor Trace CDE."  No email entries – mail or put in my drop box by back door. You can enter and pay online.



Training B

Preliminary B

Intermediate A


Dress code: - Extremely casual. Helmets required throughout the event and vests are recommended

for the cross country trail. Juniors must have an adult with them and wear a helmet and vest.


Results will be sent to you electronically and posted on Windsor Trace CDE Facebook page

and the WT WEBSITE: Everyone will get an award. 


Miscellaneous: The Cross-Country Trail with zones can be inspected on your own with ATV, Golf

Carts, bikes and foot-- NO CARS/TRUCKS. The Cross Country Trail and Dressage ring will be

set up for inspection by February 17, 2025 NOON and no earlier. A map and schedule will be

sent to you around Feb 14, 2025. All entries must have a groom on the carriage during the Cross Country Trail except for small ponies and VSE's. Helmets ad vest may be worn during dressage. Navigators may ride in the dressage if you want.


NO FOOD available on the grounds.


NO PORT-A-POTTIES—you do have a trailer! And my house and Cheryl’s

will be open for a restroom.


Any questions please email or text Lisa Singer 610-960-8695


Anyone who would like to Volunteer- please email ( or TEXT

(610-960-8695) Lisa Singer. Volunteers will be given lunch.


Thanks for coming to the Continuous Drive!!

When you are done pack up and leave!!!

Results will be sent to you that evening!


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